Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The 55 word thingy!!

With all my heart, I tell you this,
Its been a while,
Since I’ve asked you much.
You’ve been so good
You are so kind
I have no reason to complain,
Yet, let this not be a wish in vain.
Make her happy, she ought to be,
That’s all I ask in prayer to thee.

This is a pretty neat idea......55 words about anything under the sun. I was tagged by Ramani and pass the baton to Bobby, Arjun and those two lazy oafs Dooma and Ro.


Artful Badger said...

Good good.

Anonymous said...

why 55?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey you really have a great Blog site, related to **Big and Tall**

Anonymous said...
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