From the land of skiing gods!
Alpine skiing is a sport that i never truly identified with. What are the chances sitting in the heart of Chennai far far away from any form of snow! Even though it was exciting to watch a few giant slalom events on Transworld sport every sunday it never caught my imagination. Not until Saturday that is!! My first skiing experience.........with a snowstorm round the corner, minnesota was a skiing haven, atleast for amateurs like me. For us this is the alps and the ultimate experience!
Skiing doesnot involve a steep learning curve! Just pay attention to technique and detail and you should be well on your way. A bit of courage always helps. That doesn't mean I was tearing down a steep slope, doing tricks mid-air and screeching to a stylish halt on a level 5 slope. That was the job for 8 year old girls who seemed to have no fear. They were putting me to shame. I mean here I was, hesitant on letting go, contemplating how fast to go down the most gradual of slopes and these kids whiz by me on snowboards and skis as though it was as easy as taking a Sunday afternoon stroll.
More than the embarassment, the fatigue, and the cold(not really), what best describes skiing is FUN. Loads and loads of it! There is no feeling like letting go at the top of a slope and coming down it with nothing to stop you except your own ability to brake using the skiis. The adrenaline rush, that thrill is unmatched. And once you've come down the slope, you can't wait to get back up and do it again. Even after 3 1/2 hours you want more!! I cant wait to go back there and try the steeper slopes! The fatigue never gets to you while you are at it. Ofcourse the next morning is an entirely different story. Your entire body is aching, my whole left side was soar. But its just temporary. Given the choice I would do this every weekend!
So for those lucky souls who get to do this for a living - the tombas, the meiers, the seizingers.............. I admire and envy you!!
Yes the snow is great and skiing is the best way to enjoy it! and for all those who want to run away to florida and california far away from snow, go out, get a pair of skiis and live life to its fullest!
Maazu nakos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey was just rolling thru wanted to let ya know ya got a cool blog here Nice Job.
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